Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Great job Girls! We had 6 people for Visitation! Two teams went out and I know each team had at least one opportunity to encourage someone to come and hear about Jesus! God is in charge of the results, but we were obedient. There is joy in obeying.
Here are our Visitation promises to you: Unless the Lord intervenes, you should always be back by 8 o'clock. I can appreciate that it comes at the end of a long day, and for little ones especially it can interfere with bedtime routines. So we will have a plan of attack and be on the road as quickly as possible.
Our next Visitation is in two weeks, August 27th!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Wednesday is our first Church-wide visitation for the new Small Group year, and we have a lot of folks to reach out to. So far there are 4 of us committed to go- but everyone's welcome! We've all been given the command to go, it may not be to Lebanon, but we can go to Sheffield!

Here's the proper view of Visitation: God has given us these people to express His love to. We all know that they need Him in their lives, even if they don't know it yet. Our job is to faithfully go, invite, urge, (the Bible says compel) them to come and hear of Christ. God is in charge of the results. Our blessing comes from obeying our Father.

So come, join us! I've never been on Visitation that I didn't laugh! There's always something enjoyable about the fellowship even if nobody's at home.

By the way, you can post your comments - It's your blog too!

Cecilia got her new email address today: (Psssssttt: she's dying to get email at her new address!) Corrected email 8/12/2008!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

God's Puzzle

Whew!! That awkward first class is over. It's reminiscent of the first day of high school. But, I am so excited to see what God has in store for us. After all, He has placed us all together. As we discussed in class, we may not have that much in common outside of class, but we have the greatest common bond - Jesus! He is the unifier!

I have attempted to put our prayer requests up using initials. If you have any questions you can call or email me.

Here is my contact info:
H: 386-0270
W: 248-0742
C: 436-1142
email at home:
email at work: