Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Miscellaneous Matters...

I thought I would put up a collection of little reminders...

First, be praying and looking for people to enroll in Small Group. We are half way to our goal, but time is ticking. Remember, this is not church membership, but it does make them a member of a Bible study. Remember our verse from Sunday, "an hour is coming and NOW IS."

Secondly, we have Visitation again this week. Come and go with us as we go as His ambassadors.

Thirdly, ask yourself today, "Who is on my heart? Who keeps coming to my mind? What's going on in their life?" Once you have the answers - ACT! Reach out, encourage with the Word, give a small 'just thinking of you' gift. Ladies, that's ministry. How do I know? Because the lost are selfish and self-consumed. If you have compassion for another - it's from God. So go, in His name, and share His love! And don't forget to give Him the glory!