Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mirror, Mirror of My Heart

Here's a the Q.O.W.:

Why are you following Jesus, what do you really want, and what are you seeking?

List all that apply!
Come to class tomorrow for more details....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I know I have this bad habit of talking to myself. Anyone who is around me much has probably heard me...But that is not what I want this blog to be. I can tell by the counter that people are checking in, but nobody's commenting! Don't be shy....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Romans 8:28

I know that Romans 8:28 is one of those bumper sticker verses that people use and misuse all the time, but I do think the principle can be applied in many ways. I want to share one of the small, yet glorious, ways that I see this principle being played out in my life.

At the beginning of the Small Group year, Bro. David asked us all to share our testimony with the class, but also to write it out and turn it in to him. Now, I've already shared in class that everytime I do that I have an even greater awareness and understanding of my great salvation! I see more of how God drew me each time I contemplate my testimony.

But, I am also seeing how God works that time of reflection on my own salvation to prepare me to share it! And today, I have a lady coming to visit me whose life is falling apart around her. As I thought about the meeting and began to plan what I might share with her - it hit me! She's me! She's where I was 13 years ago. So, I am going to share with her the verses God used to show me my need of a Savior from Mark Chapter 4.

God has often worked together my quiet time with the opportunities He gives me that day. And I can't count the times that I have been meditating on a Scripture and then the preacher mentions it in a sermon, or we sing a song in church and later that week I 'stumble' upon the Bible verse that was the basis of the song.

I know Romans 8:28 has much larger implications, but today I am grateful for the little winks I get from God when He works together my relationship with Him and the events of life. To think that the God of the universe would engage in my little life!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


God sent us our own special lesson on Sunday morning in the form of a visitor. M.M. visited us from the great state of Texas. Her and her husband are contemplating a move to our area.
What's the lesson in that? We were all moved by the idea that what we have in a church and a church family is so unique that people will considering leaving their lifelong home and family to be a part of it.
It made us realize that we often take for granted one of God's great blessings to us. A.H. said it best, "We live minutes from Grace Life and we struggle to get there."
When my son was little I could easily see the 'more, more, more' syndrome in him. He would ask and ask to receive something and 5 minutes after he got it he was onto wanting something else. It made me think about all the things I have recently asked the Lord for and just how I sometimes have that same syndrome. I ask of God, I receive, then I ask for more, never taking enough time to appreciate and be grateful for what He has already given me.
Join me this week in having a time of thanksgiving to the Lord. We are a blessed people, and regardless of what's going on in your life there is always something to thank the Lord for. Also, pray for Grace Life. It's a special, unique work of God.
No visitation this week, but that doesn't mean you can't reach out to someone. Who has God laid on your heart, or put right in your pathway?