Thursday, November 20, 2008


I bet you didn't know that Cecilia was a deer hunter. Well, on Wednesday night, on her way home from church, she killed an 8 point buck! With her car! Thank the Lord, she is going to be alright. She did take a ride to the ER and had to have 4 staples in a cut on the side of her head and some wounds cleaned up. I'm sure she is very sore today, so please be praying for her.
The class is giving her a gift certificate to Lynda's Loft. You can contribute on Sunday if you would like. Please be praying for her. Her address is in the class directory if you would like to contact her.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wild Week!

I've had the privilege of ministering to a sister in Christ this week who has lost her husband. I have just a few thoughts I wanted to share with you about this surreal experience.

God is ALWAYS faithful.
The GRACE of God is visible and overwhelming.
God's plan for our lives is UNIQUE and always good.
Whatever is happening in your life today is a PREPARATION for the what God has in store for you.

I will share with you more in class on Sunday.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Breathe Grace...

I enjoyed today's lesson, and I hope that you benefited as much as I did. It was great to have Jennifer visiting with us. God is faithful, we need to keep praying for our new enrollees and reaching out.
Look this week for the person who needs grace and be the one who has the privilege of offering them the Gospel. I would bet that there is someone you know who is weary and heavy laden. Why would you not share with them your faith and the joy of knowing God?
Also, remember to breathe grace and encouragement to those who are facing the holidays who have lost someone in the last year. When the whole world is celebrating it can be very painful and lonely for those in grief.
Remember the motto, "Something is better than nothing, and always aim for more." However much time you have been spending with the Lord, work to increase it this week. I want to hear testimonies of how you did this....
Have a great week in the Lord!