Saturday, November 1, 2008

Busy Bee....

I'm sorry for not blogging more this week, but it has been a busy one!
This is what I know...
I think we have contacted in some form or fashion all 13 of the new ladies enrolled in our class. Let's all reach out to them in the name of the Lord. He has brought them our way for a reason.
Secondly, Caacie's Dad has been in the hospital, had a stint put in and is still on his way to California with her mom. He will only be in training so no physical work yet. But please be praying for their travel and Archie's health.
I saw the movie Fireproof last night. It was refreshing to see a movie that openly spoke of God, Christ and the power of love in a marriage. It was a good movie. I recommend it. Not theologically deep, but sound.
Post "Wonder of It All" we need to continue to make sharing the Gospel our focus. It's easy to jump on board for a few weeks, but it's our lifelong calling.
I hope to see you all in class tomorrow...where we will fill our hearts and minds with God's Word.
P.S. Pray for my dear friend, and our sister in Christ as she shares with a group of ladies from Ridgeview Baptist in Talladega tonight and tomorrow morning. May God give her the words to speak and receive glory from her willingness to share.