Friday, August 29, 2008

Caacie Wins!

Caacie wins the prize for being the first to post a comment!
Yeah! Yippee! I'm not alone. Caacie, your surprise will be in the classroom Sunday.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I hope you are all having a great week! We had another great turnout for Visitation....and we are making progress trying to find some of our ladies!
Thank you for your faithfulness to go and invite...God is in charge of the results.
I will be out of town this Sunday. We are making a fast trip to St. Louis for my parent's renewal of their vows. Please pray for our safety.
Linda C. will be teaching. Linda loves the Lord, and I know that she will be a blessing to you. Please pray for her as she prepares.
I'll see you all soon..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We have Visitation on Wednesday! We will be organized and ready to roll to make certain we are back by 8:00. I hope you will join us. We have lots of ladies to make contact with.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Q.O.W. (Question of the Week)

Here's something to think on this week...
When you read of Jesus' miracles in the Bible, what do you think about? Are they simply stories that you have read, or do they have greater implication for you today?