Friday, October 10, 2008

News You Can Use!

We have a special need for prayer. Jana M's son, Tucker, is in Children's Hospital with his reoccuring GI track issues. Pray for Jana, her husband Chris, and Tucker as they await the doctor's results.

Also, you have until Sunday, October 12th to bring your household goods for Jennifer and her family. Jennifer's son went to the hospital for his pre-op last Friday and the doctors discovered a large cyst which they went ahead and removed. For now he will not need the valve replacement surgery. So our box of blessings can be some good news for this single mom as she has had quite a week!

I will see you Sunday!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Visitation Tonight!

I hope you can make it to Visitation tonight! We have been blessed for the last two weeks to be able to enroll 5 people on Visitation. Remember, if you have a prospect you would like to visit, we're there! We'll be back by 8:00!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Who Do You Know?

Put your thinking caps on and see if you can think of anyone in your life who needs the Lord. Just quickly run through the people you see every week, the people in your family, or the people who live in your neighborhood.

Whoever you come up a prospect. We are looking for prospects to visit - this week- on Visitation. Last week we were able to enroll a mother and her daughter who was a first cousin of the husband of one of our members! Who do you know that needs the Lord? Do the loving thing and make them a prospect. They do not have to be a prospect for our class.

Get the gears turning and see who you can come up with.