Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reach Out!

Have you extended the Gospel to someone this week? I hope you have, whether its a card with an invitation to class or a call to begin a relationship with one of our new class members. God has given you your own special way of reaching out. Do it! I promise that if you do it for the Lord, you will be blessed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Special Prayer Requests

Please join me in praying for our missionaries the Joberts as requested in the following emails. Also, pray for our pastor who is not feeling well. Lisa

Hello prayer partners,

We have an urgent prayer request: Tomorrow we will be meeting with a Chinese woman named Happy. She lives in the Buddhist temple here. We have been trying to meet her for months. We just found out that she is moving to the States next week to live in the temple there.
She called Cindy tonight and asked to meet with her. They talked a long time about Buddhism and Jesus. We have a dinner with her tomorrow night. PLEASE lift her up and pray that the Lord would open her heart to receive the gospel.

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement,

Steven and Cindy

God's Grace!

It's election day! And I have a few thoughts to share with you. First, it's a privilege to live in a country where we are free to vote, and as your mother might have told you when you didn't want to eat your vegetables, "Children in China would love to have that right." God, by His grace has allowed us to continue to live in a democracy so be thankful and show your gratitude by voting.

Secondly, contemplate today how blessed we are that we can vote our faith. We can choose to vote for a candidate that shares our view on life and marriage. It's clearly possible that a time could come where Christians can't participate in the democratic process because there isn't a single candidate that it wouldn't violate our conscience to support.

Lastly, as you vote, pray for our country. It only takes a clicking through the channels to see the moral condition of our land. Pray and ask God to show mercy on us and send revival. Sadly the country that was founded by Christians has so strayed from her roots. Ask God to help us return to Him.

God, please bless America.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Reading With a Purpose!

Happy Monday! I'm posting the diagram that we have been using in class to help you in your personal Bible study.
The Bible is not casual reading, it's the Word of Life, our very sustenance for living. I promise you that if you will read looking for a promise or a truth you will find one!
I want to encourage you to finish out Chapter 6 using the diagram and don't forget the best part:
When you have finished with your list, praise the Lord for what you've learned of him and petition him to help you in your shortcomings. Then, use the description of the lost man to pray for those who you know who haven't experienced His saving grace.
BOLO - is one of my scanner terms, and I am officially putting out our own BOLO (be on the look out) for those around you who you can breathe grace on. You might find them in your own home or down the street, but LOOK for someone to share your faith with this week! Believer or unbeliever, share what God is doing in your life.....and if He's not doing something...ask yourself Why?